The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The First of the New World born descendent lines of House of Sheba MENA / North-East-Africa Kasamsura Royal House Dynastic line of the Seventh Throne that of the ASASI Throne of House of ASERE West-Africa 1841 migrated line of House of Sheba MENA/East-Africa, Nubia and Sheba Royal lines the House of SHEBA the Sovereign Imperial Matriarchal Throne of the Queen of Sheba. The House line in the formal form is written Kasambu'Ra and traditional Kasamsura Queen Shebah III was born on Saba/Thursday the 19th of the 9th in 1963 in Trinidad and Tobago, Port-Of-Spain Capital of the Southernmost-Southern islands of the South Caribbean. Trinidad and Tobago is the wealthiest country in the Caribbean as well as the third-richest country by GDP (PPP) per capita in the Americas after the United States and Canada. It is recognised as a high-income economy by the World Bank. and Member Nation of the Organization of American States-OAS 35 Countries, Nations and Islands of the New World: The Americas OAS as Common Home.
OBS-Oxford Business Group: ''Comparatively wealthy and economically diverse with active finance, manufacturing and transport sectors, Trinidad and Tobago is also the largest Caribbean oil producer and the world’s sixth-largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). It has an ethnically diverse population, strong democratic traditions, and a vibrant local cultural and sporting life. Trinidad was discovered by the Spanish at the end of the 15th century and seized by the British 300 years later, while the smaller island of Tobago was fought over by the Spanish, British, French and Dutch. The two islands came together under British rule in 1889, achieved independence in 1962 and became a republic in 1976. The islands are culturally and ethnically diverse, with South Asian, African and other international roots. While Tobago is a haven for tourists, with a laid-back atmosphere, Trinidad is famous for mixing business – particularly in the oil and gas sector – with pleasure, most famously in the form of the annual carnival....''
2007 Interview Libyan TV

The Queen Of Sheba Born in The AMERICAS
H.I.M Empress Shebah Kasambu 'Ra - Queen Shebah III
The African Continent Nubian Nations Sheba Mother Throne Nubia-Sheba Imperial Matriarch
1. The Queen Of Sheba
2. Epic Paradigm Shift in Ancient World Lines
3. Globalization & Migration African Continent Ancient lines TRADITIONAL KINGDOMS modern-day descendants Regional Integration & Political Landscaping Mapping 1841 - 2016 into the AMERICAS
3.1Pre-Birth of a Cultural Paradigm shift
3.2The Paradigm Shift of the Throne of Sheba to the Worlds SOUTH
The Queen Of Sheba
African Continent Arab-African lines Sheba Throne Imperial Matriarch Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah Debra Amelia SAI Kasambu 'Ra III - Queen Shebah III is the AKF-FOS Sheba Throne Nubia-Sheba African Kingdoms Federation Head-Of-Organization, the Nubian Nation Throne Royal Kingdoms. She is the Empress and Head of the Royal Kingdoms Federation, Arab-African Nations Supreme Council Vice Chairman for Africa-Affairs and African Continent Throne of Sheba Royal Kingdoms Nation Queen the Queen Of Sheba formalised with 16.11.2016 African Continents Unification Decree of the Sheba Nations, under the Throne of Sheba, their Mother Throne of the North-Africa Egypt-Nubia Afroasiatic bloodlines House. The Sheba Throne is an integral part of MENA-Middle-East North-Africa, the Arab-League, Arab African Kingdoms and Nations and related Family Houses referred to as the House of Sheba direct regions family Afrasian lines and family Houses of Egypt of the Throne Of Sheba, Nubia Sheba Kingdom descendent Nations African Royal Kingdoms and lines, and related Federation IHF NGO of, the AKF-FOS.
Shebah III the Queen Of Sheba is the First Born Child of Mary VII and the Late Michael II [8]. The first of the Sheba Throne Queens-born in the New World. She was born outside of Arabia's and Africa, in 1963 on the Continent of South-America tiny Continental island of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, of the Gulf of Paria Nations Community shared ancestry. Shebah III is of South-European, South-American and Southern MENA / Northeast-Africa ancestry Southernmost-South Caribbean twin islands of Trinidad, that is on the South-Americas Continent. Descendant of Cedula of Populations the early 1600s - 1777s migrants Spaniards and Spanish/North-African, French settlers, and later North-African family lines into West-Africa Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Ghana invited during the Cedula of Populations to that island with the last being after Slavery in 1841. They intermarried within the related settlers formed Cocoa Panyols community 1777 - 1841 North-African Sierra Leonean merchant lines families of the Free Coloured community were not of the enslaved African Community.
In 1841 the Spanish Community of Diego Martin/Maraval/Paramin Chaguaramas Peninsula and Northern Mountain Range Valleys of Trinidad & Tobago Invited Sierra Leone Africa Accra and Middle-East North-African migrated elite community to the Island. These migrants resettled in Sierra Leone,[10] Trinidad[11]. Through intermarriages with indigenous groups from neighbouring Venezuela, and Southern European settlers they expanded the islands cocoa farmer estate family’s lines known as “Cocoa Panyols”.[12] That Alliance saw a change in world social and cultural history.
For the first time in our modern history, the world 'outside' of Africa was made united within the world of the African Kingdoms at its very root Sheba mother throne by the bridge of blood alliance. Forming the only African Continent internal ruling House recognized within and beyond its shores in the collective history born outside of Africa. The present Queen of Sheba was born on 19.09.1963 in Trinidad and Tobago twin island Nation-State in South Americas/Caribbean, to North-Africa, Americas, European ancestral family house.
The ancestral law of throne lines recognition of the family and houses makes for an incredible change in geo-cultural dynamics:
The Americas and entire South American Continents, the Caribbean Americas, Europe, the Middle-East and Asia form literally part of the Kasambu ‘Ra House of Sierra Leone Trinidad and Tobago Throne Family House lines. Which themselves are the primary line house of Semitic/Cushitic/Arabic bloodlines and the oldest of the houses of that line and throne. The Royal Houses ruling main house is that of the South-Americas Caribbean / North-Africa East/West migrated Lines of the Thrones cross-bordering the Americas and European Nation, The direct New World born house lines Family Community of the 55 African Nations, of the African Continent, in this unique historical situation in the history of the line of the seated throne[13].
The Present Throne Queen of the Ruling Throne was born on an island. However, which island makes a fundamental difference to the direction of its history, in the case of the Throne Queen it is even more complex. This particular House Law includes soil and lands of Origin and its regions, of Family, territory of family and estates, culture and social origins groups. Trinidad and Tobago are twin islands Nation-State in South Americas/Caribbean, the Complex becomes immediately when understood that one of the islands:
Tobago sits in the ocean, so parameter its ocean borders.
Whilst the larger is actually a part of the South-American Continent on which the Queen was born in its capital Port-Of-Spain.
Trinidad is a Continental island, part of the North Americas Continent, South American Continent, and the Caribbean, which means the AMERICAS Community are of the ruling House present Queen's Family regions direct lines, so a part of the region and soil people PLUS and outside of being a unity as the OAS-Organization of Americas States, CELAC, UNSAR and so forth.
Additionally, the House family itself is a part of the integral bloodlines and make-up ethnic Native South Americas, right back into Middle-East and Africa as House and Lines.
This formally makes Trinidad in South Americas and twin Island Tobago and integral part of the House of Sheba Family of the Throne Queen SOUTH RULING HOUSE.
Tobago the Oceanic Island of the two is an integral part of the House Ruling Family bloodlines, the ancestral island of the only sister of the Throne Queen.
Jamaica and North Caribbean are ancestral family islands of the present generation lines and first expansion within the Caribbean outside of the 1841 arrival.
Making Tobago the ruling Lines House for its parameters and Caribbean lines of Family Houses in entirety as House extended FAMILY.
Not people in terms of Subject it is the House of Sheba Bloodlines Homes and Regions Family in that traditional law accordance of lands, Soil, and regions. In this case it means that alongside the House root lines in Africa that are thus a part of the 55 Nations that forms the AFRICAN UNION and Nations of Africa as home regions in that accordance, their in-laws and extended family includes the Americas and with that the Twin island and neighboring duo Oil-Rich Gulf of Paria states, and the third largest economy of the Americas alongside the USA and Canada.
Epic Paradigm Shift in Ancient World Lines
A review of 16th - 18th-century global changes and integration in Africa/The Americas Cultural, Social, Eco-Sociology Dynamic of ancient South Middle-East Sheba Yemen and related dual lines South Nubia Kush 'Seba' ancient African Kingdoms and the 'Sheba' Arabia Peninsula.
In 1841 three years after the abolition of the slave trade on the island of Trinidad and Tobago in 1838, a group of African Nobles from Sierra Leone migrants traders north-African origin and their people were invited the new world with offered lands to the Chiefs too resettle with labor forces needed to support the Cocoa Plantations Industry of Diego Martin Trinidad. The offer and invitation were from the Cocoa Estates Owners Free Community. From the Gold Coast Chiefs that took the offer arrived on the island of Trinidad and Tobago, and there settled. In 2000 a descendant from the 1777's South-European settlers and that 1841 invited group from Sierra Leone Africa internal community to Sierra Leone Diego Martin Trinidad, became the first of Sheba throne Queens in history born outside of Africa, and vice-versa first in the South Americas. Of interest that 1841 group to the new world followed by a few of the East lines in 1910 due to the building of the Aswan Dam. Alongside being the Arab-African ancestors of the first Queen of the oldest Throne, also gave birth to her late elder Cousin on that islands First President of Trinidad & Tobago Sir Ellis Clarke[14], yet of greater interest is the meaning of that all, within both Arab-African and Caribbean, global cultures and faith-based.
Globalization & Migration African Continent Ancient lines TRADITIONAL KINGDOMS modern-day descendants Regional Integration & Political Landscaping Mapping 1841 - 2016 into the AMERICAS
Latin-America / Caribbean 1600s - 1800s
Localise Integration of Native Americas and European Bloodlines Mestizo, and Free-Born settlers/descendant Cedula of Population Cocoa Estate Owners elite community that includes Spanish and French Creoles elites that invited the Noble Lines intermarriages WITH the Noble blood of shared heritage invitees led to what can only be described in historical terms within the world of old kingdoms as a paradigm-shift of epic proportions.
when understood that due to those prominent intermarriages within that Estate-Landowners Community, the world of Kingdoms and lines of Africa/Asia/Middle-East, Europe, and the Americas was on a path of destiny for another unparalleled change within its social, cultural, social-economic, ancestral history at its foundations' roots. Regardless of that history relevance to many in a modern world outside of these cultures, within those worlds nothing is changed for laws and tradition is way the way of life and honor, though outside of such ancient cultures, it matters less, if contrary then the scope of the shift and impact would be less silent.
Pre-Birth of a Cultural Paradigm shift
According to the lines of ancient history, what is now the South-Americas and India all was an integral part of the continent of Africa as landmass, within that history the Sheba lines descendants of Nimr. and Tribes all Afroasiatic, sharing both Middle-East and Asia ancestry, cultures, and heritage. House of Sheba present Dynastic ruling House PanyolsCommunity of Trinidad & Tobago Diego Martin/Maraval/Paramin, Chaguaramas Peninsula and Northern Mountain Range Valleys Estate Families, are direct ancestral Native Americas, direct South-European, the direct NORTH-Africa root of their shared Trinidad/Venezuelan parentage of that selfsame shared ancestry. To better understand how epic is that shift we need to take into consideration why any of this all matters, the laws of old still active traditionally matriarchal lines and honored within the Ancient Nubia-Egypt, Seba/Sheba ancient Sudan, ancient Israel, ancient Libya and younger first-cousins ancient Ethiopia, and Akan lines matriarchal throne laws:
Firstly African Nubian Mother throne ancestral lines of inheritance is through the maternal bloodlines which are the primary Semitic lines of the house and intermarriages within the bloodlines which is important to throne Ascension and unbroken over at least four generations.
These laws are yet ancestral unchanging Laws of Houses Internal Of Throne Heads Birth Regions of Land, Soil, Seas parameters of SOIL and SEA of Bloodlines / Tribes or Nations.
The present throne-head of the Sheba Throne falls within those laws but changed the geographic of its history, having been born on and within the Birth Regions of Land, Soil, Seas parameters of SOIL and SEA of Bloodlines / Tribes and Nations of the Americas South, and of ancestry MENA/Northeast-African, Native South-American and South-European over four generations and more. In fact, the house lines only marry within the lineage community and related Afroasiatic lines over generations.
Including the present thrones European marriages of the old lines of families, which under those laws encompasses the North-American Continent and its South-American
Continent and Caribbean Region as Family Community.
It also means under that law the direct generation parentage over last 200 years is that of the root lines and its history makes the geographic coverage of that law inclusive of these all interrelated Nations of the House bloodlines:
- a) MENA, North-Africa, East-Africa and regions Middle-East/Asia primary lines
- b) Americas Ancestral lines Natives covering South/Central Americas and into North Americas /Canada
- c) European Ancestral lines in North-Americas_ South-America Sub-Continent and Europe
The Paradigm Shift of the Throne of Sheba to the Worlds SOUTH
Forming the first in the Americas history a bridge of blood alliance with an ancient throne in modern times with enthronement of the first descendant in that History to the House root lines in MENA/Africa, born of the Americas Family House of Sheba, in Sierra Leone Trinidad & Tobago and Venezuela Gulf of Paria Nations Kasambu 'Ra House, Shebah III.
Making the twin islands born House lines the most unique though unknown how unique, in its diverse reflection, and possibilities for unity an integral part of the people and family regions of the present throne of the House of Sheba birth Home. The region is now in traditional view the New Sheba Regions and authority holds in the Americas the Ruling House Recognition as the birthplace and First Family Nations Community of the present Queen of Sheba of the Nubia - Sheba ancient Throne, of North-East Africa, and Afro-Asiatic Regions of Middle-East/Asia.