The ARC Federation of the South Kingdoms Throne head Queen Shebah III the African Continent Empress and Queen of Queens of the Nubia-Egypt SHEBA Mother Throne of Thrones, the Queen of Sheba has another major portfolio in her portfolio as of December 15th 2019.
Her Imperial Majesty was appointed as the World Peace Committee 202 Countries Deputy President for the African Union, by the World President HE Prof.Dr. Djuyotu The President of the World Peace Committee 202 Countries
On December 15th 2019 saw the appointment of the Queen of Sheba as the WPC 202 Countries Deputy-President for the African Union and as Throne-head an integral part of the Office of The President Prof.Dr. Djuyoto Suntani overseeing the 202 Countries 2020 WPC-World Peace Committee Executives Diplomatic Mission Portfolios.
Which lead to the 2020 integration of all the Queens respective global portfolios as one priority global portfolio for all Humanity, as an integral part of WPC-World Peace Committee 202 Countries Diplomatic Mission for Global Peace. Alongside Throne responsibly as the Empress of the African Continent Kingdoms Ancestral Mother Throne of THRONES, the Queen of Sheba. Head of the African Kingdoms Federation Alliance Royal Community.
ARC was born of the very Birth Cradle of Earths community in 2009 of the African Continent AKF-African Kingdoms Federation as Global Platform to unite all of the Earths Nations Community with the South region birth-home of creation towards shared Global and interest as One, Global Family of Earth. ARC-Alliance Royal Community as Congress is ever growing ever changing ever expanding.
During 2009 2017 ARC expanded the Alliance with the Arab-League / MENA Community highly respected AACID-Arab African Council for Integration and Development and in 2017/2018 with UN ECOSOC ISEA Special Consultation Status ISEA Foundation and its HSIO Foundation representing 60% of the Earths Community as NGO objective.
In 2019 the most important part of the Alliance became that now completed the global expansion of the ARC with the President of the World Peace Committee 202 Countries and the Queen 2015 relations start that culminated in a formidable partnership power couple in December 2019.
ABOUT The World Peace Committee (202 Countries)
The World Peace Committee is an Institution of International Community and was declared in Basel City, Switzerland, on the 7 March 1997. The vision and the mission are to invite of goodness the 202 Countries of the International People’s to collaborate in building peace, brotherhood and modesty as One Family of Earth.
“World Peace Gong” is one of the principal products of the World Peace Committee created by the President of The World Peace Mr. Djuyoto Suntani and was launched for the first time in Bali, Indonesia, on 31 December 2002 at 00.00 WITA by the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. The second launch was in Geneva, Switzerland by the Secretary General of the United Nations on 5 February 2003 due to the Grand Opening of an event “Second Global Summit on World Peace” which to declared International Community as only the “Facilitating Brotherhood and Humankind Unification in Planet Earth” for all time. Hereinafter, it is brought to all over
Profile World Peace Gong.
· Outside Circle: Picture of Flag of 202 Countries around the world.
· Middle Circle: the letter World Peace Gong and Gong Perdamaian Dunia, Two Flower as Identity.
· Inside Circle: symbol of the Big Religion all over of the world. Top Circle: Picture of Globe.
The Duplicate of World Peace Gong was donated by the World Peace Committee to be placed permanently with heart in different countries in all over the world as a concrete step to build peace, brotherhood and modesty on this Earth and at the same time realizing the philosophy of mankind all over the world as “One Family of Earth”.
As such, in 2019 ARC further expanded a relation that started in 2015/2016 and build from 2016 - 2019 that has culminated in the ARC Throne Head the Queen of Sheba and His Excellency the President of the 'WPC-WORLD Peace Committee 202 Countries' 2019 unification.
That high profile unification merged that of their shared Vision with thus Alliance with ARC as Purpose shared of both over decades of seeing to the Earths People and Planet as a united New Civilization of One Voice, One Language, One Home, EARTH.
Her Imperial Majesty Empress, Queen Sheba III is absolutely Marvelous. Her accomplishments are wonderfully mindboggling. It is truly an honor to be in Her Imperial Majesty's presence in any way. Continued Peace & Love, Protection and Blessings from The Most High, Highest. Thank You for all you do Your Imperial Majesty, Queen of Queens, Throne of Thrones, Mother of All Thrones.
Je bénis mon Dieu de m'avoir guidé jusqu'à la rencontre de son impérial sa majesté la reine de mère ,reine shebah III et mes données corps et âme a soutenir la vision de HIM shebah III jusqu'à sa matérialisation en RDCONGO et en Afrique en Général pour sortir de l'esclavagisme spirituelle, moral et matériel. Merci beaucoup son impérial sa majesté la reine de mère,reine shebah III longue vie à toi