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Kingdoms Palace News

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HSIO-Human Survival International Organizations and ISEA Foundation New York UN Conference 2018

AKF-African Kingdoms Federation and its IHF NGO are participants at the 29 Jan. - 7 February 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development › CSocD56. *Location:New York, United Nations Headquarters and Millenium United Nation ONE Plaza.

The African Kingdoms Federation of the South head HIM Empress Shebah Kasambu 'Ra - Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba, will be attending the 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development › CSocD56. during the 29 Jan. - 7 February 2018. The South World NGO Major Group of the Federation of the South Kingdoms Head, is one of the prominent Speakers at the February 2nd 2018 Side-Events of ISEA Foundation on ''BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY FOR AFRICA''

The Queen was appointed in Sept. 12, 2017 as the Chairman of the ISEA Foundation High-Level Financial Technical Committee of the Worlds 510 MSGnet (Metropolitan Cities), alongside Her Majesty function as Nubia-Sheba AFRICAN KINGDOMS FEDERATION (AKF), and Imperial House Foundation-IHF Head and respective Head of Organization of the South Federation AKF and AACID, was in October 2017 appointed as the President of HSIO-Human Survival International Organization. ISEA Foundation, New York, UN Conference special side event: 56th Social Development Committee - period: January 29 to February 7, 2018 First topic:

  • All Poverty Reduction Strategy for Sustainable Development for People / The priority theme for the 2018 policy cycle is "Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all".

  • ISEA Foundation-sponsored event: Using "Block-chain finance" as a strategy to combat poverty, MobiDoll's survival money system" will be announced and voted.

Members of the African and Arab Royals high level Committee, has endorse their support for the MOBIDOLLAR and interest to attend the event. We welcome all events participants in attendance to the Jan 29 - 07 attend our Side Events on Block-Chain Technology for Africa!


The 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development ›

CSocD56 29 January - 07 February 2018 - February 02 UN CSOs Side Event

Title: Block Chain Technology Implementation for Africa.

Date: February 2nd 2018 UN HeadQuarters

Conference Room: CR D | 3:00 – 4:30 PM

Organizers: UN ECOSOC SCS Foundation of International Servant, Leadership Exchange Association (ISEA)

Speaker(s): HRH Henry Keonho Kim, Chairman of ISEA;

HIM Shebah Kasambu ‘Ra III, Chairman of AKF

;ID2020 expert to be invited from UN;

Dr. J.S. Lee, Advisor of ISEA;

Details: -

© Copyright ® Queen Shebah III - Crown IHF - African Kingdoms Federation of South World Kingdoms™

TAGS:  the ark ,queen of the south, the arc ,the queen of sheba. Ark of the Covenant

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The Imperial Queendom of SHEBA 

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