In the presence of Ambassador Yana, Ambassador of UNESCO Unitwin at the headquarters of the Arab African Council for Integration and Development-AACID, Ambassador Imad Tariq Al-Janabi was appointed as Chairman of the General Supervisory Board of the American University for Professional Studies (AUPS), headquartered in the United States of America and in a number of countries around the world.
Ambassador Imad Tariq Al-Janabi received the Ambassador of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and express the readiness to support Egypt and Arab and African countries in all aspects related to UNESCO's objectives.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Hussein Al-Surydi, President of iGate International Institutes accredited by UNESCO and Chairman of AUPS and Dr. Mohamed Talha, Chairman of the Investment Commission of the Arab African Council for Integration and Development Yeh and Executive Director of the American University Studies and professional AUPS accredited to UNESCO also adviser AUPS Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim, head of the Council Advisor for Training and Head of educational investment and partner Authority (iGate). Ms. Monica Cano was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Latin America. A number of relevant officials attended the meeting.
The audience emphasized that in 2018, the aim of the project is to expand the base of partnerships and twinning to include international entities with a strong role in the field of education and training and to implement a package of international programs adopted in cooperation with accredited international bodies.