The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF


Nubia-SHEBA Dynasty Crown Family DIASPORA Nation 2007 Historical Summit; 2013 Its Fruit; 2014 Its Promise; 2015, 2019, 2020 "First Formal Events of the Queen of Sheba Extended Noble Court WITH the Royal House"
Libya 2007:
At the 2007 African Kingdoms Federation 'African Renaissance Summit' in Tripoli, as part of the celebration of the African Union Anniversary Summit in Libya, a significant and historic event took place.
The transatlantic slave trade Diaspora was recognized by The Imperial Matriarch, Empress Shebah 'Ra – Queen Shebah III, through the Queen of Sheba Throne Edict, as an integral part of the Queen of Sheba Americas Community.
This recognition established the Diaspora as family and a Royal House alliance community within the Sovereign Imperial House of Sheba, Nubia-Sheba Matriarchal Throne of Thrones Nations.
Henceforth, they were acknowledged as an integral part of the Kas-Ambu RA House Royal Nation of the Queendom of Sheba, with identity and kingdom name as the ARC of “The ARCADIANS”—the Nubia-Sheba Egypt line Queendom of the African Continent Alliance Royal Community-ARC, for those living outside Africa, regardless of their nationality or heritage.
The African slave descendants, previously without ancestral identity, were reconnected to the Nubia-Sheba Egypt throne lines, re-establishing their place within the Mother Throne, the Matriarchal Throne of Thrones. This grand recognition process began in December 1999, continuing with the coronation rites of the Imperial Matriarch, Empress Shebah III, Queen of Sheba, and later, as Queen of Nubia, embodying the Sheba Mother Throne of the Nubian Kingdoms Nations throughout Africa. This 2007 recognition in Libya was ratified and proclaimed in the Americas on August 18th, 2013—a significant date for the Crown Family, as it marked the wedding day in 1981 of Shebah III and Freerk Hendrik III of the Netherlands/German noble lines of Levant ancestry. This union laid the foundation for the dynastic bloodlines and succession lines, solidifying alliances and expanding diplomatic relations as the Mother Throne of Thrones.
The official Recognition Decree was proclaimed in 2013 on August 18th in Montego Bay, Jamaica, in the Caribbean. The transatlantic Diaspora celebrated this newfound identity and honor as members of the Queen of Sheba's Queendom community. For the first time in the history of the 35 American States, a direct connection of African Royal Kingdoms was established with the Mother Throne of Thrones, represented by the reigning monarch born in their midst in the Americas. In 2004, the official establishment of the House of Sheba 'Kasambu 'Ra' House was formalized by the Supreme Court, cementing the Americas' position as an integral part of the Nubia-Sheba Kingdoms Throne of Thrones.
The Royal Family of North and South America and the Caribbean, along with their European ancestry, forms part of the dynasty's birth region. Thus, according to tradition, the Americas are recognized as part of the ancestral lineage and dynastic birthplace of the present-day Imperial House.
THE AMERICAS DIASPORA ROYAL COURT NOBILITY INTEGRATION - Formal Enstoolment in 2014 of the 7 from the Americas Diaspora Community into the Matriarchal Throne ASASI Noble Court Of The Throne of The Queen of Sheba.

Royal House of Sheba ENSTOOLEMENTS Ceremonies by the Asere Kpakpatsewe Royal House family of the Queen of Sheba, as an integral part of their 2014 Asere Enstoolment and Outdooring in the USA .under the Auspices of the Ga Mantse in the USA HRM Nii Kwate Quartey II, Dr. Samuel Quartey. and Kingmaker HRM Nii Amarkai III the Asere Royal House Kingmaker the seond and third from left respectively in the above picture.
The 2013 event was succeeded in 2014 by another historical occasion in North America, this time in the United States, where enstoolments took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Seven Americans and one by proxy were formally enstooled into the Royal Court and Nobility of the Queen of Sheba by decree of Her Imperial Majesty. These individuals, along with several others from the Americas, were installed into the Asere Royal House in Ghana, Africa, one of the Queen of Sheba's throne houses. This ceremony, presided over by His Royal Majesty, the Ga King Maker of Ghana, Nii Amarkai III, and His Royal Majesty Nii Samuel Kwate Quartey of the Asere Kpakpatse Royal House in Ghana, marked the largest event of its kind outside Africa, connecting the Nubia-Sheba Dynasty across the Atlantic.
All previous decrees and edicts led to the planned Grand Summit of 2015, the first Nubia-Sheba Imperial Line Matriarchal Mother Throne of Thrones Royal Kingdoms event to be held in the Americas. However, the passing of HRM King Michael II necessitated its postponement. An interim summit took place in 2020 as an international Zoom royal event, with plans for the formal royal event in the Americas and Europe still in progress.
This summit was a historical gathering, featuring the Nubian Kingdoms Nations, the Matriarch, and the Throne Head, H.I.M., Empress Queen Shebah III. It included representation from each global continent, bringing together the direct bloodlines of the House of Sheba and their respective Houses Royal Court of Nobility from Africa, the Americas, Europe, MENA, and Asia. The event allowed members of the Americas to reconnect with their ancestral culture and participate as a recognized and integral part of the Kingdom's global family alliance.
Respecting ancestral traditions and protocols, this extension means the Imperial and Royal House traditions incorporate the customs of birth regions alongside African customary practices. The Imperial Matriarch, born in the Caribbean Americas, connects the Nubian Kingdoms Nations and Nubia-Sheba Kingdoms House Lines Family to all of the Americas as extended family. The expansion also includes Europe and other global continental origins of the ruling House of Sheba Crown Family.
To unify the Queen of Sheba KasAmbu Royal Nation lines, the Imperial Matriarch extended the Royal Court through the Royal Order of Merit, appointing candidates to the Noble House CROWN KNIGHTS of Her Majesty’s Noble Court, recognizing all, regardless of nationality or race, as members of the Alliance Royal Community-ARC, ARCADIANS of The Royal House of Sheba Nobility. This unified initiative created a global community under the ARC, emphasizing unity across all nations.
The planned ARC Summit Gala is set to launch the "One in Light" Global Family Unity initiative, gathering millions of like-minded individuals and the Royal Arcadians of all nations. This international event will unite the world, advancing the goal of a unified humanity for the survival and prosperity of those who understand the importance of this unity.

Her Imperial Majesty took a major step towards the recognition and reunification of the Africans born outside the continent in Western Nations, by selecting seven (7) to be elevated and Enstooled to the House Noble Court, for potential nomination into Her Royal Court. Her determination that their work ethic, dedication, and commitment to the Throne made them candidates for elevation into such high office and She, the Matriarch, had them included among others Enstooled into the Ga Royal House by HRM Dzaasetse Nii Amarkai I, the Ga King Maker, and HRM Ga Mantse Nii Kwate II.
This Royal recognition was extremely important as it opened the way for the Root Mother Throne, with the support of the Throne’s mighty Nubian-Kushite Ethiopian migrated lines Ga Nation which has worked closely for years with the former-Diaspora community, to see to their integration to the respective Family Chieftaincy Courts. Seven are being integrated as Chiefs/Chieftain of the Warrior Thrones, (Asafoanyemei/ Asafoatsemei) of the Throne and Court of Her Imperial Majesty the Queen of Sheba.
The addition to the Royal Court were two females HRH Asafoanye Naa Amartekaa I (Lois Womack) USA, and HRH Asafoanye Naa Afiyee I (Mary Lucci) USA of shared Thailand/Asia and Native American Lines. Both of whom showed dedicated and loyal service to the Nubian Nations Matriarch were recognized and Enstooled by Matriarchal Nomination Decree alongside five males. They are HRH Asafoatse Nii Amaa I (Shawn Agard) Trinidad and Tobago, alongside HRH Asafoatse Nii Okaikoi I (Nicholas Uriel Nelson Bey) USA USA with Japanese/Asian Lines ancestry, HRH Asafoatse Nii Ayiku I (Anthony Graham) African of Jamaica and the USA, HRH Asafoatse Nii Amartei I (Larrion Brown Heru-Bey) USA/Guyana and HRH Asafoatse Nii Kwakwei I (Nuumo Taalib El Amin) of the USA..