The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The Right Honourable Crown Prime Minister His Excellency Sir Boris Levitsky

The Right Honourable Crown Prime Minister His Excellency Sir Yves Michel

Membership Application Process
AKF Membership COUNCILS Application Process
The Queendom of Sheba Crown Government ARK-Africa Royal Kingdoms internal Crown Ministry of Queendom AKF (African Kingdoms Federation) Socio-Economic Affairs, has been actively extending our invitation to all of the African Continent Kingdoms and African Kingdoms Organizations to register with the AKF. This is in keeping with our strict policy of facilitation and support to access the resources, projects and programs that are made available to the Continents Kingdoms through our Crown Parliament, to AKF Ministers and MPs for the Kingdoms on a National Level and recognized Kingdoms on a local level, through our international ARC-Alliances Royal Community, our Queendom Crown Institutions, and our African Royal Kingdoms-ARK Crown Ambassadors of the AKF Kingdoms Affairs Ministry.

The Queendom of Sheba Crown Government. Secretary of The Crown Parliament Imperial House Senate. A Crown Knight-Ambassador of The Cloak.. (AFRICAN ROYAL KINGDOMS-ARK)

The Queendom of Sheba Crown Government. Vicereine of Federation Crown Parliament House of Kingdoms.. A Crown Knight-Ambassador of The Cloak.. (AFRICAN ROYAL KINGDOMS-ARK)

The Queendom of Sheba Crown Government. Secretary of Federation Crown Parliament House of Kingdoms.. A Crown Knight-Ambassador of The Cloak.. (AFRICAN ROYAL KINGDOMS-ARK)

The Queendom of Sheba Crown Government. CIO Communications of Federation Crown Parliament House of Kingdoms.. A Crown Knight-Ambassador of The Cloak.. (AFRICAN ROYAL KINGDOMS-ARK)

The Queendom of Sheba Crown Government ARK Ambassadorial Council Ambassador of Federation Crown Parliament House of Kingdoms.. A Crown Knight-Ambassador of The Cloak.. (AFRICAN ROYAL KINGDOMS-ARK)
Who May Apply
Registration and Crown Parliamentary seats are open strictly and respectively therefore to African Governments, African Kingdoms and/or African Chieftaincy Ministries, African Royal Kingdoms established and recognized at the national level, African Kingdoms Organizations, and/or legal representation of said organizations. Special requests can be made by ancient Kingdoms and Houses no longer recognized formally but are recognized historically within African History, for Special Royal Observers Status. This allows having support for localized humanitarian-based development. As Policy the AKF and Queendom do not become involved in local or national political affairs, however, the Queendom which heads the AKF does support seated Governments' leadership and National Development agenda.
Application Screening Panel
Applications are seen by a Screening Panel of the Queen of Sheba directly, which is formed by 7 representing officials and when in full Assembly 22 Crown Ministers, Chancellors, and Governors of Crown Institutions:
The Key 7 are:
The Crown Imperial Office of The Crown internal Chief-of-Protocol. (1)
The Crown Parliament Senate Upper House Chairs representing the Senates Body and the Senate Foreign Affairs (3)
The Crown Imperial House Foundation-CIHF (2)

The Head of Crown of Royal House of Sheba Special Interest Senate / PR/Diplomatic Affairs UAE/Middle-East/AFRICA

The House of Sheba Crown Family Prime Chancellor. The Head of Crown Environmental Policy & Affairs Senate.

The Head of Crown Government Diplomatic Affairs Crown Senate

H.I.M Crown Senate Ambassador of The Aviation Affairs Senate

The Arcadian Royal Congress Senate Representative Commissioner of the ARC Task-Force Academy Social Development.

The Head of Crown Royal House of Sheba Special Interest Senate / Banking and Corporate Affairs UAE/Middle-East/AFRICA
Application Step 1. Due Diligence
From February 2021 to 2022 our representatives have been visiting Kingdoms for registrations within the set Timeframe. That Registration timeframe was closed on 8th February 2022 align with the start of the Crown Government 2022 launch of Project VII Phoenix one day later. On 9th February 2022 we started the preparation process of our onsite digital registration, to accelerate the registration process. Application will close on 25th May 2022. Applications for 2023 must be sent in from 1st - May 25th.
The applications due diligence pre-confirmation process will take between 48 Hours and 7days barring no complications for National Governments and National registered Kingdoms due diligence process. And can vary from 48 Hours to at least 10 Days or more for a Provincial or rural region applications, and at 90 days for unregistered Kingdoms. The variations in time are due to the average process timeframe of responses from the applicants countries to the confirmation mandatory due diligence process to collect all the needed information for the actually membership application confirmation process. The Membership Application processing therefore follows the Application due diligence and verification process of the applicant representation identity.

The Crown Executive Minister for Transport & Communications of The Queendom of Sheba

The Crown Government Executive Minister of Productions of The Queendom of Sheba.

The Queendom GOVERNMENT Crown Office of The Imperial Head of Crown Government Public Relations Executive Minister of The Queendom of Sheba

The Crown Executive Minister Sir Malcolm Copson The Crown Executive Minister of The Royal Estates of The Queendom of Sheba

The Crown Parliament Senate Chairman of The Senate of The Queendom of Sheba. His Excellency represents The CROWN as the Head of the Senate, as The Crown appointed Chairman of the Senate.
Applications Step 2. The Approval and Confirmation Process
African Governments -
Applications of National Governments are processed by the Crown Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly with the Office of the Crown Prime Minister and presented to the Senate and Ministerial Crown Executive Ministers Cabinet for review and recommendation to the Office of the Crown Prime Minister.
The Office of Crown Prime Minister reviews and sends its recommendations to the Queen of Sheba for confirmation approval.
Once approved, the Senate and Crown Executive Ministers Cabinet which includes the Crown Institutions Governors, such as QSIA-Queen Sheba Investment Authority and Governors of the Crown of Sheba Central Bank-CSCB, led by the Office of the Crown Prime Minister and oversee the portfolio areas of support with the Government directly, as a Member of our Community Imperial Commonwealth Of Nations-ICON.
African Kingdoms / Traditional Rulers -
Applications of Kingdoms and Traditional Rulers are processed by the Crown Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly with the Office of the Crown Executive Minister of the Ministry of Queendom AKF (African Kingdoms Federation) Socio-Economic Affairs, and presented to the Senate and Ministerial Crown Executive Ministers Cabinet for review.
The Review is then sent with the Crown Government recommendation to the Office of the Crown Prime Minister.
The Office of Crown Prime Minister reviews and sends its recommendations to the Queen of Sheba for confirmation approval. Once approved, the Senate and Crown Executive Ministers Cabinet which includes the Crown Institutions Governors, such as QSIA-Queen Sheba Investment Authority and Governors of the Crown of Sheba Central Bank-CSCB, the Office of the Crown Prime Minister and the Crown Imperial House Foundation-CIHF. CIHF is the legal personality of the African Kingdoms Federation since 2000. CIHF-Crown Imperial House Foundation is led by its Chairman the Imperial Matriarch Empress Shebah III The Queen of Sheba the Sovereign Imperial Head of the Queendom Crown Government. CIHF is of the Queendom Imperial Crown Family that forms the Executive Board of Heads, and its operations activities placed under the Crown Senate as of 2022 to address the Kingdoms agenda support as the Queendom Imperial House and Crown Government representing Governance Panel.
The Governance Panel oversees the portfolio Public Relations areas of support with the Kingdom directly, with the Crown Ministerial Cabinet the portfolio affairs implementation with the relevant Kingdoms and National Authorities of the Kingdoms Region upon the approval of the applicant Kingdoms/Traditional Ruler as a Member of our Community African Kingdoms Federation of KINGDOMS-AKF.
Kindly Register hereunder:


The Nubian Nations Imperial Matriarch the Empress of the Nubian Kingdoms Nations, The Queen of Nubia, Queen of Sheba Office.

The Office of The Empress of the Nubian Nations. The Imperial Head of AKF

The SENATE see to the realization and enforcement of Decrees, Edict and Proclamations with the Crown Government and Foundation, towards development.

The African Continent Ancestral Nubia-Sheba Kush Kingdoms Imperial Matriarchal Throne of the Throne of the Thrones of Sheba 'The Throne of Thrones' Queendom of Sheba Federation of Nubia-Sheba Kingdom Nations.