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The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF

The Queen of Sheba Her Imperial Majesty Empress Sheba - Queen Sheba III
The Crown Family Matriarch

Her Imperial Highness Crown Princess Vanessa Shavonne of Sheba
The Eldest of the three children of the Queen of Sheba.

His Royal Highness Prince Quentin
His Royal Highness the Husband of Her Imperial Highness Crown Princess Shavonne

Her Royal Highness Princess Monique of Sheba
Her Royal Highness Princess Monique, Wife of His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Yuray-Andrew

His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Yu'Ray Andrew Serge of Sheba
His Imperial Highness is the Eldest Son of the Queen of Sheba.

Her Royal Highness Princess Shai of Sheba
Her Royal Highness is the Wife of His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Armando Jacob

His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Armando Jacob of Sheba
His Imperial Highness is the Youngest Son of the Queen of Sheba.

His Imperial Highness Prince Michael III of Sheba
The FIRST-BORN Grandchild of the Queen of Sheba nine (9) Grand Children
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