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The Queendom of Sheba


International Intergovernmental Alliance Union

HIM The Empress Shebah III - The Queen of Shebah 2021




Queen Shebah III - The Queen Of Sheba The Nubia-Sheba Kingdoms Throne of Thrones Queendom Of Sheba


The Imperial Matriarch of The Nubian Nation Mother Throne Of Sheba. The Queen Of Queens. The CROWN Imperial Head-Of-Federation Queendom Crown Government 

The African Kingdoms Federation-AKF  -  Federation Of The South-FOS


The Alliance

The Queendom Past 

The Queendom of Sheba is the ancient ancestral Nubia-Egypt Imperial Matriarchal Queendom and Mother Throne of  Sheba /Africa and the South Kingdoms thereof. Before the further migration of the lines 'from and into' ancient Arabia's, Egypt, Nubia, Kush and into the Queendom ancient empire lands of continental Africa. Forming the MAA Confederation of Kingdoms led by the Queen of Sheba, the Nubian Imperial Matriarch. They formed as Kingdoms the ancestors of the Royal Kingdoms of present day regions of East, West, North, South and Central ancient lines descendants African Royal Kingdoms and People of the community and Nations of the African Union Nations and Diaspora. The Confederation with the walk of history and colonization became dormant giving rise to the inner Kingdoms secret societies that kept the Kingdoms ancestry and foundation unbroken and alive, through the changes.


The Crown 

In the year 2000 the present day descendent Imperial Matriarch the Queen of Sheba the Imperial Matriarch the Empress and Throne of the Queendom of descendent Kingdoms of ancient Sheba/Africa was enthroned Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah Debra Amelia SAI Kasambu'RA - Queen Shebah III The Queen of Sheba, Queen of the South. The Empress and Queen first decree was towards the Confederation restoration which led to the revision in the name and birth therefrom of the African Kingdoms Federation-AKF, born as continuum of its centuries old predecessor of the South Kingdoms. And the start of the Renaissance agenda for the African Kingdoms and Diaspora.  


The Queendom Present

In the year 2021 the African Union session and agenda of that year was themed 'the African Renaissance, levers for the Africa we want. With accentuation on Culture Art and Heritage, and the AU Presidency seated by the President of Congo DRC. In line with this agenda the African Kingdoms Federation of Kingdoms and Matriarchal lines Kingdoms in Congo Mai Ndombe Province in support of the African Union 2021 agenda and the Presidency, saw to the rise and recognition of a new Capital Region for the continents ancient Queendom of Sheba. This as the African Renaissance start with recognition Continents Mother Throne new realm and Royal Capital of the African Continent descendent Royal Kingdoms, and the Diaspora. The Diaspora for the most part were taken via that Province from Congo DRC and East, Southern and Central Africa then over the Congo River into West Africa and into the transatlantic Slave Trade into the Americas, also recognised in the 2021 African Union African Renaissance historical agenda. An agenda exactly 21 years in the 21st Anniversary of the African Kingdom Federation and its Imperial Head the Queen of Sheba, Queen of the South Queendom of Sheba.

African Kingdoms Federation

The African Kingdoms Federation is the oldest and most senior African Kingdoms governance body on the continent of Africa, and the most international, intergovernmental, respected and global integrated.  The Federation of the ancestral Queendom of Sheba has its own formal currency and financial institutions. Established in 2000 from its predecessor the Maa Confederation to the present African Kingdoms Federation-AKF, it is the Federation Of The South-FOS Alliance-Union of the Queendom of Sheba descendent lines African Royal Kingdoms and Crown Governance.  Today that includes its CIHF NGOMG-The Crown IMPERIAL HOUSE FOUNDATION, Crown of Sheba Central Bank and Queendom of Sheba Investment Authority-QSIA which are all led by the Federation first North-America born descendent Queen of Sheba, since the year 2000 to present. Its Governance ministerial body of the Queendom and that of the Federation is under the Throne of the Queen of Sheba and is seated by a Crown appointed universal panel of Crown representatives from the Continents of Africa, the Americas-(North-America, Central-America, the Caribbean-Americas and South-America), the Middle-East / Asia and Oceania. The Federation crown government and its alliance community which includes a consortium of Banks, and Business entities within the Crown of Sheba international Investors and Consortium of Banking Alliance Union from North-America, Middle-East, Asia and Africa; the ARC-Alliance Royal Community.


The Federation is seated on a few key intergovernmental organization and Civil Society Organizations, which includes the World Peace Committee (202 Countries), the World Organization Of States Intergovernmental Parliament for Safety and Peace, the UN ECOSOC accredited AACID-Arab-African Council for Integration & Development with Special Consultative Status CSO, Invest Africa UAE.


Our Purpose & Aim

A prosperous Africa led by the Queendom of Sheba. The Federation purpose and aim is finance and development investments, with focus Governments Africa and International, African Union Nations National Development, Africa internal High-Scale Investments, Private Investments and African Kingdoms Regions development. In line with the global Climate Change needs, advancements in infrastructural development Technology, Food and Water Security, and Environmental preservation and conservation as foundation of its Development interest Portfolio. 


Our goal as The Queendom is Global Unity and a Peaceful Earth. Our Aim the Rise of Africa to Her potential as Mother of the Earth's Nations, THE BIRTH CRADLE OF ALL NATIONS OF HUMANITY. Our Objective is the realization of our Aim, and this most achievable Goal as the African Kingdoms Federation, United Global Alliance. We are the Imperial Queendom of Sheba Crown Government  of the AKF and its ARC-Alliance Royal Community

African Union Presidency Panel

The Queen of Sheba the African Kingdoms Federation-AKF Head The Queen Of Sheba Key Meetings of 2021

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-19 at 14.39.55 (3).jpeg

The Imperial Queen Mother of Africa Nubia-Sheba Throne; The Queen Of Queens, The Queen Of Sheba, Empress of the African Continent Kingdoms ancestral Nubia-Egypt Sheba Kingdoms descendent Nations at meetings with the African Union 2021 Presidency Panel.  

African Union 2021 African Renaissance; Culture, Art and Heritage

The Rise Of The Queendom Of Sheba Realm

African Continents Royal Kingdoms Cultural Capital


The Queen of Africa

The year 2021 saw the thirty fourth (34th) Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) on 6 - 7 February 2021 with the theme: “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want”. The African Renaissance. The rebirth of Africa, built on its 9 Pillars, Culture and Values of Africa. In June 2021 after efforts from January 2021 with Congo and the AU Panel DRC the Queen Of Sheba, Queen of the South met with the African Union panel in representation as the QUEEN of The New Africa, of the African Renaissance. 


The Queen of Sheba's efforts and agenda were further crowned in 2021 with the Queendom of Sheba rise, recognition and integration on the AU 2021 Presidency agenda theme Culture as the African Continent Queen, of the new Africa, the African Renaissance. On June 7th 2021 the Queen of Sheba was welcomed on the African Union Steering Panel as Cultural representation. This was followed on June 19th with a historical Decree by the Governor and Government of Mai Ndombe which saw effectively to the formal protocols towards the establishment of the Realm of Queendom Of Sheba planned 'African Kingdoms Renaissance Capital. This is in line with the African Union 2021 Culture, Arts and Heritage theme of African Renaissance.


The Queendom of Sheba is a recognised Monarch formally in rule and Her Imperial Majesty's Crown Government already structured to serves the Throne, and extended agenda of the African Royal Kingdoms Ancestral Cultural Capital and planned Queendom University City. The agenda was since 2023 placed on hold by order of the Queen of Sheba, due to the internal conflicts, and security issues in DRC. 

The continents ancestral Queendom planned 'African Kingdoms Renaissance Capital; The AU 2021 Agenda of Culture, Art and Heritage and the formation planned region, in the Province of Mai Ndombe Congo DRC as the African Continents Kingdoms Federation administrative and Kingdoms Diaspora Cultural Capital

2021 Coronation CULPAC

The Universal Council for the Peace of Nations and Continents

(EU Parliament Brussels) 

The Queen Of Sheba Africa's nominated by the African Union 2021 panel and coronated Messenger of Peace to Nations and Continents


2021 Coronation CULPAC

The Universal Council for the Peace of Nations and Continents

(EU Parliament Brussels) 

On July 21, 2021 the Queen of Sheba, the Nubian Empress and Queen Mother of Africa was coronated at the City of Peace by the Universal Council of Peace of Nations and Continents-CULPAC, as the AU represented Universal Messenger of Peace of the African Union Heads and Servant to ALL of Humanity.

CULPAC - The Universal Council of Peace for The Nations and Continents

designates after AU Panel nomination the Queen Of Sheba as Servant of Humanity and an International Messenger of Peace

In July 2021 the Queen of Sheba was nominated by the African Union Presidency Panel as the choice for a Universal acknowledgment and representation before the Universal Council of Peace of Nations and Continents Diplomatic Office in DRC and in the European Union Headquarters in Brussels, in line with the September 2018 05-06 European Parliament resolution. As such on July 21, 2021 the Queen of Sheba, the Queen Mother of Africa was coronated at the City of Peace as the Universal Council of Peace of Nations and Continents as the AU represented Universal Messenger of Peace of the African Union Heads and Servant to ALL of Humanity..

Kinshasa, 21 July 2021 (ACP News) .- The Director General of the Universal Council for Peace of Nations and Continents (CULPAC), Daniel Santu Biko, appointed Her Majesty Queen Shebah Debra Amelia Sai Kasambu'Ra as a Servant of the Humanity and International Messenger of Peace as part of the "  Fortnight of Peace for All ". According to Santu, Queen Shebah Debra has been nominated for her many services in Africa, the Caribbean and around the world to be the interlocutor and Godmother of Peace to African Heads of State in the CULPAC program of the vision of a nation, an activity through which Leaders will express their visions of peace, human rights and development in their respective countries. He said that Queen Shebah's interventions would be very beneficial for the campaign for human rights and democracy in support of the efforts of the President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo on the rule of law, free of charge education and justice. It should be recalled that "  Peace for All  " is a CULPAC program aimed at raising awareness of the rule of law and democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo following the resolutions of the Universal Conference on Peace held in September 2018 at the European Parliament in Brussels.


AACID -What We Do

Global Business Trade & Commerce / Science, 4th Industrial Era Digital High-Tech Development & Education


Arbitration Court, CONSULTING & Peace-keeping



Intergovernmental & Non-Governmental National / Regional & Humanitarian Projects

Global Finance & Project Development Support NGOMGs & CSOs


The AACID-Arab African Council for Integration and Development 

United Nations ECOSOC accredited Special Consultative Status CSO

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Shebah III the eye-apple of Her late Father Michael II whom the ARC headquarters is also named after. By friends referred to as Queen of Hearts and close working community fondly yet with respect 'the Tank'.

The AKF is an integral part of the AACID represented by The Queen of Sheba Vice-President of the AACID with the Office of the AACID President His Excellency Ambassador Emad Tariq Al-Janabi, worldwide. The Arab African Council for Integration and Development-AACID of the Federation of the South World Kingdoms House of Sheba family Nations Alliance-Union is an Arab-African non-governmental organization with a corporate personality working in the areas of comprehensive development that build skills and develop people's capabilities.


The Council is interested in finding the best scientific means to serve the institutions, according to the actual needs by urging the Arab and African countries to cooperate in establishing a partnership relationship between them and adopting plans and programs for achieving sustainable development including contributing to the comprehensive development project. 


Which are consistent with the Council's objectives and positive contribution to the joint action and to highlight the image of the Arab and African countries as they deserve. And, encourages all Governments and Civil Society Organizations to implement all the agreements and decisions issued by the Arab and African summits and their implications and adopt the distinguished projects and programs that contribute to the Arab-African development. This, in accordance with the plans and programs of the Council and, communicate with the competent authorities to carry out research and studies in order to contribute to the preparation of planning and programs and activation. 


The Council also works to encourage the owners of capital, organizations and funds to contribute to the establishment of training centers for the development of the Sons of the Arab and African countries. The establishment of the Supreme Council of Elders, which specializes in arbitration disputes, internal/conflicts disputes and consultations, and serves as the Internal Judicial Authority of the Council.



  • Contribute in the humanitarian and developmental fields that benefit the Arab and African peoples without discrimination based on race, religion, colour or culture. 

  • To explore the creativity and contribute to the development and dissemination of the distinguished thinking of the human resource of Arab and African countries. 

  • Develop the efficiency of the performance of senior leaders in the training curricula according to the latest advanced science. 

  • Management of scientific knowledge and intellectual capital, maintaining the continuity of the development of human minds, and the integration of knowledge, ability and will. 

  • Contribute to the transformation of the application of information technology in publishing, receiving an electronic awareness. 

  • Work on the investment of administrative thought to suit Arab and African societies and employ them for their benefit. 

  • Acquire knowledge and skills and achieve a decent standard of living and enjoyment of human rights. 

  • Strengthening economic, social and cultural cooperation between the Arab and African world. 

  • Realizing the spirit of communication, solidarity and equality between Arab and African countries. 

  • Work on the development of youth and sports activities to serve young Arab and African. 

  • The Council works to raise the mental capacity of the individual through training courses with modern scientific curricula developed specifically for the Council.




The improvement of the investment climate in many African countries led to the stampede of the largest investors and conglomerates in the world towards the promising and fertile African market. This is an opportunity for the Arab countries to invest in Africa due to the following considerations:


  • Africa itself now offers a more attractive option to attract foreign investment, especially since traditional investment markets suffer from multiple problems, and Arab investments suffer from increasing obstacles. At the highest level of decision in Africa, there is an urgent desire to host private Arab investment.

  • Over the last three decades, many Arab countries have been able to build industrial and development bases that would enable them to move to foreign markets to take advantage of opportunities and face challenges locally and internationally. SABIC, for example, has become one of the top 10 petrochemical companies in the world. Many of the countries of the world; therefore, Africa is an ideal opportunity, especially as a lot of foreign investments are currently heading towards the resources sector.

  • Africa is the regional, geographic and strategic extension of the Arab countries both in North Africa and in the Arab Gulf region. Therefore, the development of an ambitious Arab strategy to promote the Arab-African partnership is no longer an option, given the global scramble and plans to control Africa's promising markets and diverse natural resources. , Especially as there is considerable competition among various investors at the level of emerging countries (China, India etc.), and traditional countries (Europe and North America).

  • Hence, the importance of the Arab countries for the necessity of developing a comprehensive investment strategy. These strategic investments between the Arab and African countries will contribute to ensuring Arab-African food security in the agricultural production sectors and providing the necessary water resources for this production. The two groups solve this serious problem.


Accordingly, the Council's strategies are based on:


  • Establish partnerships and protocols with governments and civil society organizations to provide management and technical advice.

  • The Council's efforts, objectives, projects, plans and programs are geared towards improving living, development, efficiency and targeted services.

  • The Council works to provide many services (research - consulting - preparing brochures - publications). And training.

  • The Council shall provide plans, programs and projects in a manner that serves the objectives of the Council and needs of the Arab and African regions to suit the reality and the surrounding circumstances, to urge governments, regional and international institutions and organizations to participate in an active and positive role Developmental areas through influencing decision-makers, whether governmental or civil.

  • The Council is interested in small and medium projects that serve the Arab and African peoples and promote them and training cadres in accordance with the nature of each project and its services and target groups.

  • The Council works to attract expertise and capabilities that are consistent with the objectives of the Council and to benefit from them in terms Consultation, decision and training.

  • The Council works to build a database of information and data and statistics in the Arab and African countries to focus on the status of Plans and programs and cooperation with other service information centers.

  • The Council shall establish a program of studies, research, evaluation and cooperation with the development centres working in the field and the granting of recognized certificates 

  • The Council shall establish consultative committees in the Arab and African regions to support and encourage the basic objectives of the Council, its programs and projects.

  • The Council affirms the principle of transparency and the establishment of bridges of communication with the media and welcomes them to contribute and participate in the success of the Council's objectives.

The World Organization Of States

Intergovernmental International Parliament for Safety and Peace - WOS IPSP


The AKF is an integral part of the World Organization of States Intergovernmental International Parliament for Safety and Peace which is headquartered in Rome, as represented by the Queen of Sheba. The WOS-IPSP The World Organization of States – World Parliament for Security and Peace, for the development of friendship, solidarity between peoples. Following the election, in 2014, of the new Presidential Council, renewed in 2018 and composed of the President Eugenio Lai, the General Secretary Alfredo Maiolese, the Grand Chancellor Giuseppe Caddeo. The WOS-IPSP was totally renewed, gaining momentum and participating at international conferences, debates and humanitarian projects, creating the International Arbitration Tribunal and attracting ever greater and more genuine interest from States, Institutions and international Organizations, and this is why WOS-IPSP wants to be a protagonist among those involved in prevention of conflicts, lovers and peacemakers, are at the forefront of the international scene in the next decade. 


After the opening of the Diplomatic Representation in Congo Brazzaville, the WOS-IPSP is intensifying its efforts and ambitions. Next step, the opening of two Representative Offices in Iraq, one in Baghdad, the other in Mosul and in Venezuela in Caracas. The country is coming out of many years of war and destruction and development is certainly a priority and wants to be among its future programs.

With the approach of 2020, particular attention will be paid to the issues addressed during the congress, strengthening aid to the needy in Africa, a rich continent that today suffers, however, from inequalities and social inequalities and from the 71 countries currently at war and / or in economic and social difficulty all over the world. It is not possible to close our eyes and the congress has served to intensify relations and efforts among all those who, close to the organization, intend not to surrender to the cruelty that the world is presenting us. (Excerpts IPSP site -

The Queen Of Sheba
Queendom of Sheba Crown Government 


The Queendom Of Sheba Crown Secretariat

Mai Ndombe, Congo DRC, CIHF Office KINSHASA Congo DRC

ARC Alliance Office Contacts

AKF Alliance Royal Community-ARC Union Conferences-Meetings-Appointments Repr. Middle-East /Africa  

AKF-FOS AACID Arab-African Nations (Africa-Middle-East/Asia) AACID Head-Office Egypt 

AACID-Arab African Council for Integration & Development

Middle-East-Africa Representative of AKF & CIHF UNDESA Reg. NGOMG of AKF

Address: Egypt - El Mahrousa- Agouza-C towers - 7th floor


Copyright African Kingdoms Federation

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© Copyright ® Queen Shebah III - Crown IHF - African Kingdoms Federation of South World Kingdoms™

TAGS:  the ark ,queen of the south, the arc ,the queen of sheba. Ark of the Covenant

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The Imperial Queendom of SHEBA 

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